Spill Numbers
Only rain belongs down the storm drain. If you see anything but rain down the drain, please report it immediately.
When You See the Following Type of Emergency Spills, Please Call 911:
When You See the Following Type of Emergency Spills, Please Call 911:
Unknown substance
Chemicals (includes oil and grease)
Vehicle fluids flowing or running (such as oil, gasoline, diesel)
Paint reaching the creek or storm drain
55 gallon drum
Compressed gas cylinder
White powder
Spill during heavy rain
Power-washing of lead-based paint
Smoking or fuming substance/container
Large spill running in street, gutter or creek
Release from a commercial facility
Spill or crime in progress
Other hazards to health or safety (anything blocking the street or entrance to school)
For All Other Spills Please Call Your Local Authority Non-Hazardous Spill Response Number:
Washing of parts or equipment
Paint not reaching the creek or storm drain
Washing cars
Mud, dirt or silt
Concrete/saw cutting
Pool water
Power washing
Yard waste
Leaves in gutter
Illegal dumping
Septic/human waste not out of the sewer system (such as RV discharge, buckets of human waste)
Vehicle fluids dripping or small puddle (such as oil, gasoline, diesel)
Other minor spill
Call 911 for all hazardous and unknown spills. For all other spills, call one of the following numbers, depending on where the spill is taking place:
Cloverdale: (707) 894-2150
Cotati: (707) 665-3605
Healdsburg: (707) 431-7000
Rohnert Park: (707) 588-3300
Santa Rosa: (707) 543-3800,
After Hours: (707) 543-3805
Sebastopol: (707) 823-5331,
After Hours: (707) 829-4400
Ukiah: (707) 463-6288
Unincorporated County of Sonoma: (707) 565-1900
Unincorporated Mendocino County: (707) 234-6679
Windsor: (707) 838-1006,
After Hours: (707) 838-1000
Ukiah: (707) 463-6288
Unincorporated Mendocino County: (707) 234-6679
Belvedere: (415) 435-3838
Corte Madera: (415) 927-5057
Unincorporated County of Marin: (415) 473-6583
After Hours: (415) 473-7233
Fairfax: (415) 458-2370
Larkspur: (415) 927-5017
Mill Valley: (415) 384-4820
Novato: (415) 899-8989 or (415) 899-8286
Ross: (415) 453-8287 ext. 163
San Anselmo: (415) 258-4616
San Rafael: (415) 485-3373
Sausalito: (415) 289-4192
Tiburon: (415) 435-7354
American Canyon: (707) 647-4550
Napa: (707) 257-9600
Yountville: (707) 944-8851 or (707) 944-2988 after hours
St. Helena: (707) 968-2658 or (707) 967-2850 after hours
Calistoga: (707) 942-2828
Napa County (unincorporated): (707) 253-4417 or Report Online
For more information and locations:
Sonoma County Waste Management: (707) 565-DESK (3375)
Mendocino Solid Waste Management Authority (MendoRecycle): (707) 468-9710
Novato Household Hazardous Waste Facility: (415) 892-6395 (Novato residents only)
Marin Household Hazardous Waste Facility: (415) 485-5648
Commercial operations, including maintenance companies, may qualify to dispose of hazardous chemicals for a fee through the Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Program
Cotati, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa, and Sebastopol Wastewater Discharge Permit Application: www.srcity.org/generalapp