Low Impact Development (LID)
Please scroll down to check with the local Governing Agency for specific requirements.
Low Impact Development (LID) is the installation of permanent features that use or mimic natural processes that result in the infiltration, evapotranspiration or use of stormwater in order to protect water quality and associated aquatic habitat.
Examples of potential LID features for homes include:
Rain Barrels / Rainwater Harvesting
Collects rain runoff from the roof of a building
Water can be stored for later use or held and released slowly back into the ground.
Rain Garden
A shallow basin with native plants that have deep roots and are water-tolerant.
Allows stormwater to soak directly into the ground.
Better suited for larger areas typically 100 square feet or more.
Detention Basin
Captures a large amount of rainwater and releases it slowly into the ground and drainage system
Stormwater Planter Box
Captures water from the downspout of a building or canopy.
Water is filtered through layers of mulch, soil, rock, and plants before it soaks into the ground.
Do not need a large amount of space.
Infiltration Trench
Directs stormwater along a path, usually away from a building.
A long, shallow trench filled with draining rock or crushed stone.
Cleans and filters the water while allowing it to soak into the ground.
Pervious Pavers
Allows water to flow through the joints between individual pavers.
Solid interlocking paving units made of fired clay or concrete.
Joints are filled with small rocks or stones that still provide space for stormwater to flow.
Plant Trees
Reduces rain runoff by absorbing water.