Ways to Get Involved
Getting involved and taking action to protect storm drain systems, creeks and rivers can have big impacts. An informed, supportive, and proactive community strengthens desirable qualities such as wildlife habitat, and public safety, while reducing problems such as illicit dumping, water pollution, illegal camping, and erosion. Protecting storm drain systems and receiving waters, such as creeks and rivers, offers citizens who live, travel, exercise, and recreate along the many creek and river trails the opportunity to enhance creek and river corridors to provide efficient transportation routes, safe neighborhoods, scenery, wildlife habitat, and recreation.
Simple actions make a big difference! Getting involved can be as simple as:
Sharing information about what you have learned with family, friends, and neighbors;
Picking up after your pet while out on a walk or daily in your own backyard;
Sponsoring a creek
Reporting issues observed that have a potential to impact storm drains or creeks;
Picking up trash and placing it in a nearby receptacle;
Participating in a creek clean-up;
Sponsoring a creek or neighborhood clean-up;
Participating in local restoration efforts and projects;
Photo point monitoring;
Preventing vehicle wash water from entering the storm drain;
Using sustainable practices such as those recommended by Our Water Our World, Russian River Friendly Landscaping Guidelines, and WaterSmart;
Visiting and supporting local educational centers such as Sonoma County’s Environmental Discovery Center;
Participating in creek week (September of each year);
And much more!…
Share with us ways you are protecting your local creeks and rivers. Contact your local municipality here: