Mobile Auto Detailers
It is illegal to allow anything other than rain water to be discharged to a storm drain.
Mobile Auto Detailers can impact local waterways when washing and maintaining vehicles. Wash water has the potential to transport materials such as soap, metal shavings from brake dust and rotors, vehicle fluids (engine oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid), and road contaminants to the storm drain. These can be harmful to water quality and creek habitats.
Cleaning products labeled “nontoxic” and “biodegradable” can still harm wildlife if they enter the storm drain system. These products are prohibited discharges to the storm drain system.
Do not allow runoff to flow through oil deposits or other pollutants (i.e. dirt, trash).
Use a bucket and sponge to contain fluids, and a “trigger” nozzle to save water.
Check the slope and other physical characteristics of the area to avoid runoff to the street or storm drain.
Wash in an area where water can infiltrate into ground, such as a vegetated or landscaped area.
Create a temporary berm to contain runoff. Vacuum rinse water with a wet/dry vacuum and dispose of into the sanitary sewer.
Use a mobile washing unit that has a runoff containment system.
Locate and temporarily cover nearby storm drain inlets to prevent wash water from entering the storm drain system. Put storm drain protection in place before starting the washing process and remove before you leave the site.
Reduce or eliminate the use of soaps, degreasers, or other cleaning agents. Use less hazardous and non-toxic cleaning products.
Remove all debris or sediment accumulated during washing activities and dispose of it properly.
Sweep pavement prior to performing work.
Clean up wet or oily spots with rags and absorbent or a mop.
A Wastewater Discharge Permit may be required. With permission from the local Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) wash and rinse waters may be discharged to the sanitary sewer through a drain at the property owner’s home or business. Take precautions to prevent debris, hazardous materials or anything that can clog from entering sinks, toilets or sanitary drains.
Engine cleaning and steam cleaning should only be done if you are equipped to capture all the water and additional wastes.
If you steam clean, use an enclosed bay where the condensed steam can be collected.
Scrape parts with a wire brush rather than liquid cleaners.
Arrange drip pans, drying racks, and drain boards so that fluids are contained.
Foam carpet cleaners are recommended.
Use soap and water for cleaning vinyl surfaces. Consider “saddle soap” as an alternative, as it does not dry out vinyl.
Avoid using chemical glass cleaners. Mix equal amounts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle to clean glass surfaces.
Dispose of all debris removed from vehicle(s) in a trash container.
Ensure proper cleanup and containment materials are available. These include rags, absorbents, absorbent pads, oleophilic pads, drip pans, absorbent booms to contain spills, and storm drain covers.
Do not hose down an area to clean or handle a spill.
Clean up small spills and drips from cleaning products with rags.
Clean up medium & large-sized spills of wash water, using a vacuum or mop and bucket.
Petroleum spills and large hazardous spills should be contained and cleaned up using absorbent materials. Absorbents contaminated with petroleum are not allowed in the trash; they must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
Have a written plan.
Train employees annually on storm water regulations, spill response, personal safety, and hazardous waste handling and disposal.
Have spill cleanup materials onsite.
Have Safety Data Sheets for all products used.
For an emergency or a spill involving hazardous materials or hazardous waste call 911 or your local Fire Department.
For All Non-Emergency / Non-Hazardous Spills
To report a Non-Hazardous spill, or for other useful phone numbers, see Spill Numbers informational reference sheet for your local agency contact information or visit: www.streetstocreeks.org/spill-numbers/