Home Improvement Centers
It is illegal to allow anything other than rain water to be discharged to a storm drain.
Irrigation water from garden centers, runoff from stockpiles, leaks from vehicles or equipment, and spilled materials should never be allowed to be transported into a street, gutter, parking lot, or storm drain. If discharged or disposed of improperly, many materials found at home improvement centers such as construction materials, pesticides, and fertilizers can be harmful to water quality and creek habitats.
Individuals and businesses that improperly handle and dispose of non-stormwater materials down the storm drain are both subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
Best Practices:
Use dry cleanup methods (i.e. broom or vacuum). Avoid hosing down or pressure washing work areas.
Immediately clean up wet or oily spots with rags and absorbent or a designated mop.
Pour mop wash water into an inside drain.
Protect stockpiles, hazardous materials, recyclables, and discarded parts / materials from rain.
Avoid over irrigation of garden center plants, if applicable.
Inspect daily and pick up all debris and trash from loading dock areas.
Frequently inspect parking lot areas and clean up spills or loose material immediately.
Inform Your Customers
Label storm drain inlets with simple messaging such as “No Dumping, Drains to Creek” with a clear picture or symbol.
Post signs informing people that dumping waste on your property is illegal.
Anything dumped at your site becomes your responsibility; make sure everything is disposed of properly to avoid violations.
Are You Ready to Respond to a Spill?
Have a written plan.
Train employees annually on storm water regulations, spill response, personal safety, and hazardous waste handling and disposal.
Have spill cleanup materials onsite.
Have Safety Data Sheets for all products used.
For an emergency or a spill involving hazardous materials or hazardous waste call 911 or your local Fire Department.
To report a Non-Hazardous spill, or for other useful phone numbers, see Spill Numbers informational reference sheet for your local agency contact information or visit: www.streetstocreeks.org/spill-numbers/