concrete Transport and Delivery
It is illegal to allow anything other than rain water to be discharged to a storm drain.
Materials such as concrete, stucco, mortar washouts and slurries, and sealants can be harmful to water quality and creek habitats.
Individuals and businesses that improperly transport, handle, and dispose of non-stormwater materials down the storm drain are both subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
Plan your route. Avoid areas with steep slopes or divide load into multiple deliveries to prevent tip out during travel.
Use a mixer chute cap to prevent unwanted discharges of concrete and chute residues.
Clean hopper and chutes and extenders prior to traveling on roadway.
Require contractor, or person ordering material, to pre-identify cleanouts prior to delivery.
Clean any loose debris or material from truck and mud flaps.
Clean tires or utilize a construction entrance/exit prior to entering roadway from job site.
Locate and place protections to block storm drain inlets.
Use a tarp under equipment for easier clean-up of spilled material. Consider using a bermed tarpaulin or specially constructed mat that will contain any splatter or residual wastewater.
Collect and retain all concrete washout water and solids in leak-proof containers.
Do not use diesel fuel as a lubricant on concrete forms, tools, or trailers.
Make sure employees and subcontractors are adequately trained and follow proper disposal procedures for concrete wastes.
Report spills and tip outs. Utilize street sweepers as needed to clean up unintended spill/tips.
Prevent overspray.
Wash equipment and trucks only in designated wash-out areas.
Place check dams down slope to capture any rinsate or runoff carrying mortar or cement before it reaches the storm drain.
Collect and contain all wash water for proper disposal to sanitary sewer according to all applicable laws and regulations.
Prevent discharge into storm drains from concrete installations including residue from washing down equipment such as trucks, mixers, chutes, pumps, hand tools and wheelbarrows.
Use a washout area designated by the property owner or site superintendent. Washout areas must be lined and located away from any storm drain system. Covers may be necessary during inclement weather.
Do not use concrete pumpers to dewater standing or pooled water.
Make sure all connections are secured.
Ensure all conveyance tubing and hoses do not have any punctures or holes.
Clean outside of all hoses in contact with overspray or splatter.
Set up and operate pumpers on a bermed tarpaulin or specially constructed mat that will contain any splatter or residual wastewater.
Have a written plan.
Train employees annually on storm water regulations, spill response, personal safety, and hazardous waste handling and disposal.
Have spill cleanup materials onsite.
Have Safety Data Sheets for all products used.
For an emergency or a spill involving hazardous materials or hazardous waste call 911 or your local Fire Department.
For All Non-Emergency / Non-Hazardous Spills
To report a Non-Hazardous spill, or for other useful phone numbers, see Spill Numbers informational reference sheet for your local agency contact information or visit: www.streetstocreeks.org/spill-numbers/