Your Creek 95442
Sonoma Creek is over 33 miles long and is a major waterway through southern Sonoma County. The headwaters begin in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park and after meandering through the City of Sonoma, discharge into San Pablo Bay.
A special feature of the creek is Sonoma Creek Falls in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. There are multiple ways to access the falls, via short hikes.
Sonoma creek was once full of beavers prior to major trapping activities in the 1850’s. A new beaver population has been sited near Boyes Blvd. Beavers fell trees and dam culverts, balancing the local ecosystem by performing nearly "perfect stream restoration." The tireless work of the beavers create deep pools, slowing the flow of floodwater, and enhancing fishery habitat.

Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout are the most prominent fish in the creek. Salamanders, frogs and snakes are also prevalent.
Remember, storm drains connect streets to creeks, which flow into San Pablo Bay. Simple changes can make a big impact. Sonoma Creek is Ours to Protect.