Your Creek 95409
Austin Creek runs from Skyhawk through Rincon Valley, with trails and bridges connecting neighborhoods to parks, schools, and shopping areas.
Enjoy the north fork of Austin Creek on a trek through long and narrow Tanglewood Park in Rincon Valley where beautiful oaks grow along the banks. The north fork flows into the main Austin Creek just downstream of Middle Rincon Road which is also where paved access roads begin that serve as walking and running trails.

Austin Creek is a great example of the prevalence of creeks within Santa Rosa. Seven street bridges cross the creek, and numerous tributaries and underground creeks flow into it as it meanders through Rincon Valley. If you are adventurous, you can plan a trail excursion beginning at Austin Creek and Middle Rincon to witness a series of creeks merging as you go; Austin Creek and the confluence with Ducker Creek, Brush Creek, and Santa Rosa Creek at Flat Rock Park.
Remember, storm drains connect streets to creeks, which flow into the Russian River. Simple changes can make a big impact. Austin Creek is Ours to Protect.