Your Creek 95404
Paulin Creek originates via two forks in the hills surrounding the Hidden Valley area, and is fed by natural springs year-round. Paulin Creek is publicly accessible in several of Hidden Valley’s parks and open spaces including Hidden Valley Park and Paulin Creek Open Space Preserve. The Preserve provides habitat for stately valley oaks and grasslands filled with wildflowers in the spring. It is a wonderful place to enjoy the raucous calls of the acorn woodpeckers.
Paulin Creek has a steelhead run each year and it is possible to see big fish traveling upstream after the winter rains have opened the mouth of the Russian River. After entering the Russian River, fish turn up the Laguna de Santa Rosa, then Santa Rosa Creek, followed by Piner Creek, and finally enter Paulin Creek, heading upstream.

Sonoma Water’s access roads along Paulin Creek are popular for recreating, watching for wildlife and are also used for maintenance for flood protection.
Remember, storm drains connect streets to creeks, which flow into the Russian River. Simple changes can make a big impact. Paulin Creek is Ours to Protect.